8 Feb 2025

Rally on Sunday

The following is due tomorrow. Usual caveats about travel apply:

Sunday February 9th - Radio Active 25 - The Nantwich Rally, Nantwich, CW5 5DG. See radioactivefair.co.uk.

10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

My QMX+ was turned on at about 1020z.

UPDATE 1033z: 27 stations have already spotted me. These look like single hop F2.

UPDATE 1220z: 
168 stations have spotted me.

Clearing the decks?

 A major UK dealer is discounting all its stock of second hand FT817ND transceivers. I wondering if they are expecting many to be traded in soon so people can buy the new Yaesu FTX -1F assuming it comes!

Brunch - NOT amateur radio

Every Wednesday my wife has her University of the Third Age lecture in Cambridge so we have brunch beforehand. 

Sunspots - Saturday February 8th

 Solar flux is 182 and the SSN 179. A=4 and K=2.

7 Feb 2025

Thatched cottage - NOT amateur radio

This thatched cottage is in the next village of Wicken.

Talk without talking

At the end of the month I am giving a talk with a difference at the Cambridge Radio Club. The format is different from normal in that I prepare the slides but someone else does the talking, because I can no longer talk at presentations. This is the second time I have done this.

This time my talk is on 8m.

8m QRP FT8 TX (Friday)

 At 1315z I turned on my QMX+ on 8m FT8 TX. At 1320z, nobody had spotted me.

UPDATE 1610z: QRT on 8m FT8. No spots of me.

10m QRP FT8 with the QMX+

Just before lunch I turned on the QMX+ to FT8. Power out is about 3.5W to an end-fed.

UPDATE 1301z:  So far I have been spotted by 162 stations with the furthermost VK6DW (14466km) in Western Australia.

UPDATE 1630z:  Back on 10m FT8 with the QMX+. 100 stations have spotted me recently.

UPDATE 2100z:
  399 stations have spotted me today. See map. QRT soon.

PC and QMX+ puzzle solved

This morning I solved an issue with my QMX+. 

I could not understand why, despite all the settings being correct, my QMX+ refused to have any output on FT8. What had not noticed was that the USB audio on the PC was muted. Once it was unmuted, all was well.