Solar flux is 205 and the SSN 131. A=7 and K=0.
25 Jan 2025
24 Jan 2025
10m 500mW WSPR (Friday)
My QRP 10m WSPR beacon is on.
UPDATE 1807z: 29 stations have spotted me with the furthermost ZD7GB (7607km). QRT.
8m QRP FT8 TX with the QMX+ (Friday)
My QMX+ is TXing QRP FT8 on 40.680 MHz.
UPDATE 1809z: No spots. QRT.
"Our" windmill late yesterday afternoon - NOT amateur radio
This was the windmill next door late on Thursday afternoon.
Peace - NOT amateur radio
It saddens me that so many who were so badly affected in WW2 (6 million Jews were killed) are now able to inflict such horrors on innocent people in Gaza.
What happened to the Jewish people on October 7th 2023 was horrific, but nothing, NOTHING, can condone what has happened since.
It seems that mankind is incapable of living in peace. More and more I am saddened that so much hate exists.
How simple can you make a transceiver?
Before my stroke in 2013 I enjoyed seeing what could be done with almost nothing. This circuit was based on an earlier design for 40m CW by someone in the USA. Others made copies and some remarkable DX was worked.
23 Jan 2025
Rally reminder
This Sunday the following rally takes place:
Sunday January 26th - Lincoln Short Wave Club Winter Radio Rally, Market Rasen, LN8 3HT. Contact .
Propagation guide
This may not be perfect, but it gives a general guide to HF conditions. It shows the F2 MUF goes way above 30 MHz at times in certain places.
See .