7 Jan 2025

Sunspots - Tuesday January 7th

Solar  flux is 172 and the SSN 154.  A=15 and K=2.

6 Jan 2025

Signs of better weather - NOT amateur radio


There are definite signs of better times ahead.

10m QRP FT8 (Monday)

At about 1400z, I QSYed to 10m QRP FT8. Immediately my QMX+ was spotted by 80 stations with many in North America. At a guess, I was radiating a few watts.

UPDATE 1426z: Spotted by 164 stations with the furthermost ZD7GB (7606km) on St Helena, South Atlantic.

UPDATE 1900z: 
354 spots of me with the furthernost K6RO (8711km). See map.

10m QRP WSPR (Monday)

 My 500mW beacon was turned on at about 0920z.  So far, just one spot of me from an SV.

UPDATE 1220z:  6 spots of me so far today.

The USA and UK - NOT amateur radio

Every, and I really do mean every, person I have ever dealt with in the USA has been kind and generous. Whenever I have been there they strike me as a kind and generous people.

What puzzles me is the image they create outside of the USA is of a brash people (I remember being pleasantly surprised how good the driving was when I first went there!) only interested in themselves and making money. Perhaps this is why so many voted for Mr Trump? Perhaps he, along with Elon Musk, represent what many aspire to? 

In many ways I like the American people, but I wish Mr Musk would keep out of UK politics. He may be the richest man in the world, but seems uninformed about some things.

In my view, if we have a choice, we would be better turning more towards Europe than the USA.

6m QRP FT8 (Monday)

 My gear was turned on at about 0920z.  So far, just 3 English stations spotting me.

UPDATE 1353z:   10 English stations spotting me today.

KH1 v KX2 for portable use

In the UK, Elecraft radios are very expensive. I don't think that is the case in the USA. Also, I do not think the KH1 is available outside of the USA. 

K4SWL has done a video comparing these radios. Elecraft make some good products, but I wish they were less expensive. The conclusion is it depends on how you intend to use the product. 

One thing it does do is tell us just how effective a small HF handheld can be if used with a whip, counterpoise and ATU.

5 Jan 2025

Sunspots - Monday January 6th

Solar flux is 169 and the SSN 178.   A=20 and K=3.

Doctor reveals what you'll see when you die - according to science - NOT amateur radio

 This video was see on YouTube earlier. I had a cardiac arrest in 2013. Many with a religious faith will expect some kind of life after death.

10m QRP WSPR (Sunday)

My 500mW beacon was turned on at about 0915z. So far, 2 stations spotting me. 

UPDATE 1205z: 
 15 stations have spotted me. The maps is from WSPRrocks by Phil VK7JJ.

UPDATE 1920z: 
40 stations have spotted me today. See table.

UPDATE 2014z:  QRT.