Showing posts with label k4swl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label k4swl. Show all posts

6 Jan 2025

KH1 v KX2 for portable use

In the UK, Elecraft radios are very expensive. I don't think that is the case in the USA. Also, I do not think the KH1 is available outside of the USA. 

K4SWL has done a video comparing these radios. Elecraft make some good products, but I wish they were less expensive. The conclusion is it depends on how you intend to use the product. 

One thing it does do is tell us just how effective a small HF handheld can be if used with a whip, counterpoise and ATU.

25 May 2024

POTA with the Elecraft KH1

In the USA POTA seems very popular. Amateur Radio Weekly reports on a POTA activation pedestrian portable with the KH1 and a small whip by K4SWL

I don't think the tiny KH1 is available in Europe.

6 Jun 2013

Shortwave Radio Archive

Just spotted on the Southgate site that K4SWL is creating a website to archive shortwave broadcast  recordings before these disappear. Already many SW BC stations have closed at least parts of their services. The HF broadcast bands are nothing like they were even 20 years ago. See

My shortwave radio experience started over 50 years ago listening to SW broadcast stations on a simple crystal set in my bedroom. As much as I hated the propaganda from the communist broadcasters like Radio Moscow and Radio Sofia, Bulgaria, I do miss them and their evocative interval signals.

See also and take a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

20 Dec 2012

Good review of the Argonaut VI by K4SWL

Although I was critical of the price of the Ten-Tec Argonaut VI QRP transceiver at $995, I see it has received a rave review on the QRPer blog today from K4SWL who was one of the beta testers.  In his opinion it is better than an Elecraft K2 with a receiver that is likely to be highly rated in the Sherwood tests.

The Argonaut VI image on the website
As he points out, this is not really a "trail-friendly" radio. Rather, it is a small radio designed mainly for home use where its excellent performance, size (a bit smaller than the K2) and good ergonomics make it ideal. He praises the simple uncluttered controls and ease of use and the nice flywheel tuning knob. But, overall he rates it and likens it to a miniature Ten-Tec Eagle with superb DSP performance and RX dynamic range.

The lack of 60m and 12m and an auto-ATU disappoint me, as does that high price tag, but it does look like this is a very capable little radio. It is just such a pity that it is so expensive. It will be very interesting to see a side-by-side comparison against the KX3 in the coming months.

See also the review at

Now if only Father Christmas would bring me either a KX3 or an Argonaut VI, HI.