2 Jan 2025

Desk calendar in shack

Every year I create a shack desk calendar which, in the main, has photos of where I came from in South Devon, UK.

The clock to the back is a radio clock that someone very generously bought me which allows time synchronisation without a PC.

Failed 630m WSPR experiment

 Yesterday and overnight I tried 630m WSPR RX using the coax to my 2m big-wheel antenna tuned with a ferrite rod ATU. Not a single station was spotted!

 Either I did something wrong or the WSPR activity is way down. 

I might try 160m FT8 today and overnight with the same setup. If the match is good enough I might try 160m FT8 QRP TX.

1 Jan 2025

630m WSPR RX

For the first time this season I am on 630m (472kHz) WSPR RX using my coax outer to my 2m big-wheel antenna via a ferrite rod ATU. I intend to remain on until breakfast.

At the moment I cannot TX on the band because of a fault with my Tigertronics USB interface or lead.

If you can TX WSPR on 630m I would appreciate a signal to test all is working.

UPDATE 1805z:  No spots.

Ely Cathedral - NOT amateur radio

This wonderful photo of Ely Cathedral (the ship of the Fens) was recently posted.

Over the top? - NOT amateur radio

A house in a nearby town raises money for charity by putting Christmas lights up.  Quite a few!! 

I imagine you could find it by looking for the glow in the sky!

Just think of the neighbours and the electricity bill!

Solar activity in 2024

There is now little doubt that we are at, or just over, the peak of solar cycle 25. 

Some were wondering if we would have any sunspots at all, but it turned out to be a decent peak. The E-W F2 MUF exceeded 50MHz several times.  At this time in the month I usually check the solar activity.

See https://www.solen.info/solar/.

Sunspots - Wednesday January 1st

 Solar flux is 218 and the SSN 162. A=14 and K=5.

10m QRP WSPR (Wednesday)

My 500mW beacon was turned on at 0812z.

UPDATE 1234z:  3 stations have spotted me. Map by WSPRrocks by Phil VK7JJ.

6m QRP FT8 ( Wednesday)

My QMX+ was turned on at 0812z.

UPDATE 1141z:  8 spots of me so far including one German. See map.

Happy New Year- NOT amateur radio

 May I wish all readers a happy and peaceful 2025? The world is a better place when we all help each other with kindness and compassion. The world is a nicer place just one step at a time. I hope health wise you and the people you love have a good year.