My 6m FT8 has been on since about 0915z. 21 spots of me at 0932z.
UPDATE 1945z: 59 stations have spotted me with the furthermost VK6ZLX (13742km). Now QRT.
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
My 6m FT8 has been on since about 0915z. 21 spots of me at 0932z.
UPDATE 1945z: 59 stations have spotted me with the furthermost VK6ZLX (13742km). Now QRT.
People often want to know when this occurs. My best place for solar data is the Solan website, but you may have your own.
It often varies depending on the period averaged, but my site thinks it was October 2024. Conditions remain good for some years yet.
My gear was turned on at about 0925z. So far, spotted by 10 stations with the furthermost F1PBZ (696km).
UPDATE 2006z: QRT. 62 stations have spotted me.
This morning, I turned on my beacon at about 0925z. Before you ask, yes I did turn on the PSU as well this time!
UPDATE 2009z: Spotted by 50 stations.We enjoy growing these house plants from bulbs at this time of year.
We try to stagger them so they flower at different times.
The first (shown in the photo) is now in flower and looks great.
Our amaryllis toppled over as it was too tall! I am sure my wife will be able to rescue it and add a stake. UPDATE 1545z: All fine agai...