12 Aug 2022

Oscar 100 geosynchronous satellite

It is some weeks since I last updated my quick view of activity on the narrowband transponder. My last look was just before 1600z, on a Thursday evening in Europe. 

The impression I get is still of dramatic under-use. There are very few stations on, but by now I was expecting it to be busy. 

Most activity is from Europe and in Europe most operators are either retired or home from work. 

Overall, my advice remains, "don't bother". It is easier to work DX with a few watts on 10m SSB!   Maybe at the very depths of the solar cycle things would be different?

This has just not caught on.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

Electric car batteries - NOT amateur radio

Steve G1KQH sent me this cartoon yesterday. 

There is a very serious point though. Until EV batteries are made from far more common materials and have a far greater range, I cannot see EVs being a disruptive technology like flat screen TVs or digital cameras. 

This will come with investment and drive. At the current rate, the Chinese will be the first and we will be way behind.  We need this if our children and grandchildren are to have a planet.

In my view, I suspect this will come before 2035 and we will all be amazed that we used fossil fuels at one time. 

Sunspots - Friday August 12th 2022

Solar flux is 115 and the SSN 58.  A=16 and K=3. This month sunspot numbers seem lower.

11 Aug 2022

Grumpy old man!! Definitely! - NOT amateur radio

This email came to me a few days ago. I hate this sort of thing. It was obviously generated by a computer and sent out as the law says they have to. 

It is a bit like those really annoying things that ask you to approve cookies, which most people accept without reading.  They are a "good idea", but not if most just say "accept" to get rid of them!

Also banks where at one time you could have chat with your local branch manager. Now, you are just an account number with a call centre across the seas. All personal interaction has largely gone.

In many ways 21st century living is better. In many ways it is worse.

NHS Dentists - NOT amateur radio

This is for readers in the UK. 

I am appalled that, although we are supposed to have a National Health Service (NHS), many cannot even find an NHS dentist! It would appear that the government does not give dentists enough money to support NHS dentistry.

In desperation, I wrote to my local MP, who is in the ruling Conservative party. She replied. The photo attached shows the body of her reply. I have omitted my address and the House of Commons logo.

In my view, the lack of NHS dentists is a total disgrace and needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Good teeth are essential for good health. It is about time we acted as if the government believed this.

More rally news

 As always, check with organisers that the information is correct before travelling a long way.

Sunday August 14th - Fight Refuelling ARS Hamfest, Merley, near Wimborne, Dorset BH21. 3DA. Contact tbaker@tiscali.co.uk  .

8m experiment (Thursday)

My 8m FT8 QRP TX was turned on 40.680 MHz USB dial at 1015z. So far, at 1343z, no spots. Periodically, I turn it off to cool.

UPDATE 1411z:  Spotted again by HC02 (1808km) in Portugal. F2?

Archetypal Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

This is a model of Cambridge with the world famous King's College Chapel behind. This model is outside the university church, Great St Mary's.

10m QRP WSPR TX (Thursday)

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon was turned on early this morning. So far, at 1347z, just 2 unique stations have spotted me. It would seem that the heady days of the main Es season are over, with fewer openings now. 

This is why having a separate WSPR TX beacon can be useful as you can leave it running in the background without tying up the "main" rig and PC.

20m FT8 RX using the indoor Miracle Whip


282 stations spotted in the last 12 hours (see map) on 20m FT8 RX.