Solar flux is 95 and the SSN 32. A=8 and K=1.
2 Aug 2022
1 Aug 2022
Since I released my free G3XBM Project Scrapbook, I have already thought of some things that I have left out!
In the early 1970s, when still living in Cambridge, I made a 2m AM rig based on the Pye PF2AMB. It had a RX that I could tune and, I think, 6 crystal controlled TX frequencies. It was in an aluminium box covered in wood effect Fablon. In the photo taken in the 1970s (when I had hair) it is the rig with the black and white meter to the right of the EC10 receiver, I used to have a weekly sked on CW with G5UM in Leicester. Jack used to write the VHF column in RadCom. He was a really nice man. The rig produced 500mW on AM. It was also used once in the PW QRP contest, with some amazing results.I also made a 100mW AM transmitter with very pre-emphasised speech and heavy clipping. This was extremely punchy and effective.
In the photo, the rig on the bottom right was a 10m 1W CW TX. It was my first experience of HF, with a loft dipole. Later, I made a 10m PA to increase the power. I think this was to 25W. It was far too much for me!
At the time, my 2m antenna was a hand rotated, 2 element, HB9CV in the loft, that I could turn from the operating position.
Sadly, I no longer have schematics for these rigs, but I shall add reference to these in the next edition, by which time I might remember more, HI.
ICOM prices going up
Steve G1KQH tells me that ICOM is raising prices from September 1st. I have no idea of the prices in future, but they are all suffering.
Wild blackberries - NOT amateur radio
Yesterday we went to our local museum across the road with some of our grandchildren. On the way, they ate quite a few blackberries as the photo shows!
As the 10m antenna is available I am on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW again. Already a spot from northern Spain. This is promising as I have only been on a short while.
UPDATE 0833z: Already 12 spots in the first 25 minutes with 4 unique stations. A really good start. This looks like a mix of modes.
UPDATE 1315z: 14 unique stations have spotted my 500mW today so far on 10m WSPR.
UPDATE 1530z: 25 unique stations have spotted my QRP 10m WSPR TX today.
UPDATE 1935z: 30 unique stations have spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR today.
8m experiment (Monday)
My QRP FT8 TX on 40.680 MHz USB dial was turned on at 0807z. As the Es season is almost over, openings are likely to be less frequent.
UPDATED 0838z: Already spotted strongly by EA3ERE (1153km). This was in the first 30 minutes!
UPDATE 0936z: 2 spots of my QRP 8m FT8 already with the furthermost EA8BFK (2880km) in the Canary Is off West Africa. I am pleasantly surprised.
UPDATE 1007z: Rig off whilst things cool.