19 Mar 2019

BREXIT - NOT amateur radio

We are meant to be leaving the EU next week. Yet UK politicians are behaving like a bunch of school children squabbling over a piece of chocolate. Whatever your views we have made a right mess of leaving. No wonder the EU officials are frustrated.

What I fail to understand (2 years after the referendum) is why we did not agree before we triggered Article 50 what we could all agree on! The UK Prime Minister, Mrs May, seems to be very stubborn. Surely she must realise that her deal will only get approved as people are totally fed up and see us delaying BREXIT for possibly years.

The last straw will be a bribe for the DUP (more money for Ulster?) if they support her deal. Sorry, but the last 2 years has destroyed my faith in our representatives in the UK parliament. They are all, it would appear, like pigs in a trough. Whatever happened to consensus?  Bring back the stocks and let us throw rotten tomatoes at them.

Gearbest data breach?

An old work colleague has reported that users of Gearbest are at risk of a data breach. As far as I know, I used PayPal. Even so, they have my other details on file.

See https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/03/18/gearbest_data_breach_1_5m_customers_affected/

Alboran Island - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday I mentioned the Alboran Sea. This was completely unknown to me, so today I went looking more closely at this area. It turns out the Soviets tried to occupy Alboran Island back in the 1960s prompting the Spanish to station a garrison there.  There is a page about this small, remote islet.

See http://www.evs-islands.com/2008/02/isla-alboran-sp-isolated-mediterranean.html  .

10m FT8

For a couple of hours I have been calling CQ on 10m FT8 (2.5W). Unfortunately not a single report! On 10m FT8 RX 2 stations spotted so far. One was a G and one an MU. No great DX. These could have been tropo or aircraft reflections. There was another G spotted, which did not get uploaded to PSKreporter.

UPDATE 1638z: Still just 3 stations in 3 countries spotted today on 10m FT8 RX. Judging by the strength of PD1DL (328km), I suspect this was aircraft reflection.

UPDATE 1926z: I eventually went QRT on 10m at about 1900z. When I went QRT 5 stations had been spotted here.

Red Legged Partridge - NOT amateur radio

We often see these around and there were 2 in our back garden earlier. You cannot deny that these are good looking birds.

472kHz WSPR overnight

472kHz WSPR overnight
This was probably the worst night this season with no new spots through the night that I had not already spotted in the evening. Likewise all the spots of my 10mW ERP were received before bedtime.

2m activity contest (UKAC) March 2019

The results of the March 2m activity contest organised by the RSGB have been published. I entered the Low Power section (AL) and my position has risen. Contests are not my thing, and I run very low power and omni antennas. Nonetheless, this is a very friendly affair and there is no compulsion to submit a score. Because of my poor voice I rarely stop on very long.

See https://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/readcal.pl

Oscar 100 - still not very busy

OK, it is still early days, but I am surprised that Oscar 100, the geosynchronous amateur satellite, is still not busy. I know some are still getting their gear set up, but by now I was expecting dozens of stations to be fighting for space. A casual listen on Monday afternoon and there were maybe 5 QSOs on SSB at most. Like many, I listen on the Goonhilly web SDR.

The advantages over other amateur satellites are the fixed dishes and wide coverage. It seems to work really well. And, of course, the DX is available day and night and totally independent of the solar cycle. Once aligned on the satellite it just works.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

Human consciousness - NOT amateur radio

This is a big question. As far as I know, science has not yet answered it.

One of the greatest mysteries in the world is human consciousness. What makes us sentient beings? What is it that makes us able to contemplate our very existence? Can other animals, albeit differently, be sentient beings? What happens when we die and have no body?

As I have said many times before, it is a brave person that claims to have answers. We live in a universe where we are aware of a few dimensions. There may be other dimensions and indeed other universes that our small brains are simply incapable of understanding. When we die we may simply cease to exist and be as we were for ever before. Perhaps something of us survives death in some form. Maybe time itself is an illusion. Maybe space is an illusion.

One day science may be able to answer some of these questions, which all religions have tried to answer. For now, I remain puzzled.

Sunspots - Tuesday March 19th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the sunspot number 13. A=3 and K=1. Are we seeing the first tentative indications of cycle 25? The spots reappeared quite quickly after disappearing.