1 Jan 2019

Cycle 25 - starting?

The latest solar news has been published. Are we seeing the end of the solar minimum or is this a blip?

See https://www.solen.info/solar/

"As of December 2018 the strength of the polar fields hints at a cycle 25 with a magnitude similar to or slightly stronger than that of cycle 24." 
A quote from this site.

Fungi - NOT amateur radio

We saw this fungi on an old tree stump on a walk this afternoon.

Disappointment on 10m FT8 today

Although I have been on 10m FT8 since mid-morning only 2E0XXO (121kmn) spotted so far.

Sunspots - Tuesday January 1st 2019

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN 0. A=10 and K=2.

If you are like me, all the days are fuzzy at this time of year. Today is Tuesday isn't it?

Happy New Year! - NOT amateur radio

So, today is January 1st 2019 - a new year. One thing is certain: the next 12 months will not be quite as we expect. There will be good times and sad times.  I hope, on the whole, 2019 is a good year for you.

Looking back on 2018 we had some sad times, but also some good times.

Take each day as a gift and enjoy the good times. Oh, and keep reading this blog!

31 Dec 2018

Snowflake - NOT amateur radio

This was in Rose Crescent, Cambridge today. It makes a good seasonal decoration. Sadly, Kings College was closed.

All day on 160m FT8

Today, I have remained on 160m FT8 all day and I'll remain on 160m until the morning after breakfast. As on previous evenings, there are lots of Europeans being spotted. Usually WU1ITU is the first North American to be spotted. This station is usually first copied between 2030z and 2130z.

UPDATE 2246z: this station came through at 2047z tonight  :-)

Best Prices?

When looking around for good prices on amateur radio gear I looked at XBS Telecom. Their prices include VAT and a 2 year warranty and are much lower than the UK dealers prices. As far as I can tell the price in Euros is lower than the UK price in pounds. Someone, in the UK is a tad greedy?

See https://www.xbstelecom.eu/shop/en/

160m FT8 RX overnight

In all, 7 North Americans and 1 South American spotted, with best DX PU0FDN (6957km) on Fernando de Noronha off Brazil. This station was spotted in North America, Europe and South Africa, so is probably genuine.

UPDATE 1009z: Most of the DX has now gone, although OK6DJ (973km) was spotted in the last 15 minutes.

New QRPclub magazine

The latest QRPclub magazine is available for download.

See http://club72.su/vestnik/qv17.pdf