It will soon get dark here, so a QSY to 160m FT8 RX is in order. This can be done in the background. 160m FT8 has been a real eye opener for me. DX is there to be had
every day. My "antenna" seems to perform excellently and I cannot imagine doing any better with a dedicated topband antenna.
As you may recall, my "antenna" is just the earth-electrode in the ground. The baseline is about 10m, maybe less. I think this acts as a loop. On TX, I have received spots on 160m FT8 from Sweden over 1000km away when using 2.5W.
The QSY was done at 1540z.
UPDATE 1552z: Just 2 spots so far -
M0RTP (116km) and
DL6ZBN (605km). Once it gets dark there will be plenty of DX .
UPDATE 1615z: DX from across Europe is appearing. Best DX is
RV3F (2384km).
UPDATE 1830z: Somewhere over 50 stations spotted in 15 European countries so far on 160m FT8 RX.
UPDATE 2145z: WU1ITU (4831km) was first spotted at 2128z this evening.
Stations received on 160m
FT8 RX this evening so far.