Showing posts with label woke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woke. Show all posts

20 Feb 2023

Woke - NOT amateur radio

Today I heard that Puffin books is sanitising Roald Dahl books so that they do not cause offence. Now, he was far from an angel, but kids love his books and do not need wrapping in cotton wool. 

In my view, the world is going stark staring mad!! 

Should we pull down the pyramids because they were built by slaves? Should many UK country houses be pulled down because money was made by slaves workers in the West Indies? Many street names in big cities were named after slave merchants.

I am all for a fair world, but where does this end? 

16 May 2021

Pendulum swings - NOT amateur radio

 "What goes around comes around".

This is a phrase I know well. When I was at work people were always finding newer, better, ways to work. The only trouble was we tried these 30 years earlier!!

So it is with equality.   

Let me say from the outset that I am all for equal opportunity. To me, it matters not whether your skin is black, white, red or purple. It does not matter whether you live in the worst slums in the world or the poshest house.  Gender does not matter. What gender your partner is doesn't matter.  Also, I do not agree with privilege as a result of who you are or the wealth you inherited. We all should have equal rights as human beings.

At the moment, we seem to seek equality, yet many are afraid to speak out in case they are labelled as politically incorrect. 

We should work towards a fair society, but learn from the past.