In the days when semiconductors were very expensive parts, the reflex receiver was a very popular design for AM broadcast and simple amateur AM receivers. The basic idea is to use a single transistor is several different ways: as an RF amplifier, possibly a detector and then finally as an audio amplifier by clever feeding of the RF and AF signal back around the transistor. Even today they are fun circuits to try. For example, see the schematic at . Rick has a number of novel circuits on his site.
In Rick's circuit, Q1 first acts as an RF amplifier. The 1N4148 rectifies the signal which is again applied to the base of Q1, which is now used as an AF amplifier stage. Although adaquate level is available on the collector of Q1 to drive a high impedance earpiece, Rick added another low cost stage to drive an 8 ohm speaker.
Another example of a reflex circuit is at . Perhaps the most famous reflex circuits came from Sir Douglas Hall in a series of circuits in Radio Constructor back in the 1960s and early 1970s. Some of these are collected at . Sir Douglas was a UK overseas diplomat and a very nice gentleman. One of my old school friends lived in the same Devon village and visited him to try some of his prototypes.