Showing posts with label politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politicians. Show all posts

4 Oct 2021

Corruption - NOT amateur radio

Some secret papers have just been leaked. They seem to confirm that many politicians the world over are corrupt. All along, I have thought how few are in politics for the greater good. Whatever a politician says, do not believe it! This seems to be the message. Sad. There is some explaining to be done.

See .

2 Jun 2021

Politicians and saying "yes" or "no" - NOT amateur radio

On UK breakfast TV they we interviewing Gavin Williamson, who is the UK Education Secretary. Instead of just answering a simple "yes" or "no" to a direct question, he insisted on giving a long and evasive answer that did not answer the question. You get the impression that most politicians are trained to do this. They all appear so stupid.

What is it about politicians? They seem incapable of answering direct questions or ever admitting to making mistakes! Maybe one day they will surprise us all by being totally frank and honest and actually answering questions!  

Oh, there goes another flying pig....