Showing posts with label orchids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orchids. Show all posts

2 Mar 2025

Cambridge Botanic Garden - NOT amateur radio

My wife made this collage of the orchids seen yesterday.

9 Jun 2023

Orchids - NOT amateur radio


We saw these orchids this morning in a meadow near Cambridge. When we went last year, they were dead.

20 Jul 2021

Orchids - NOT amateur radio

My wife has a way with orchids, many lasting for years. One secret is not over-watering giving them just a thimble of water a week. 

At the moment, I think we have seven on the go.

1 Jul 2021

Orchids - NOT amateur radio

I have mentioned before that my wife seems to have a way with orchids. We have had some for many years. 

The trick seems to be not to over-water them. A thimble of water a week seems to be correct.

9 Jun 2021

Meadow walk - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, we did a nice walk through a nature reserve. We saw several orchids and heard 2 cuckoos. I am not sure why, but we have heard more cuckoos this year than for several years. The photo shows me next to some flag iris flowers.

30 Apr 2020

Orchids - NOT amateur radio

My wife loved orchids.

They only need a thimbleful of water a week and are therefore easy house plants. We have 7 (I think) and there are usually 3 in flower at a time.

The collage shows the ones in flower at the moment.

13 Jan 2019

Orchids - NOT amateur radio

My wife has a gift with orchids. We have had most many years and one now for 7 years. The secret is not to over-water. Most seem to thrive on a thimbleful a week.

9 Mar 2018

Orchids - NOT amateur radio

For several weeks the Cambridge University Botanic Garden has hosted an orchid festival in its hot houses. We went last year and this. The display was splendid.

We have had some success in growing these at home. The secret is just a thimble full of water a week.

17 Nov 2017

Orchids - NOT amateur radio

Orchids can be difficult house plants, but my wife seems to have a way. We usually have 6 or more in the house with quite a few in flower at the same time.

Over-watering can be fatal, so just a thimbleful a week seems to keep them healthy. This one is in the lounge. At night this is hot as my wife likes to be cosy!

We have an enclosed wood-effect gas fire, which works well and looks totally convincing and leaves no mess. Someone even asked if we kept snakes in it in summer!