Maybe MLS is trying to pay the rent on their new premises or they want to look generous when discounting? Sorry, but you have just LOST one potential customer who is NOT prepared to be ripped off. A fairer price would be £799. When I bought my FT817ND from them earlier in the year I was impressed with them. Sorry, but this is exploitation.Why rip us off? What margins are you getting,especially with the excellent exchange rates to the Yen? Come on, we are NOT all stupid! It looks a nice radio at the right price.
The latest exchange rate was 186.373 Yen to £1 which is WAY better than 2 years ago when it was about 130 Yen to £1. Dealers - PLEASE NOTE!!!!! Don't rip us off!!! Your customers ARE aware of the greatly improved exchange rates.Funny how prices don't seem to follow.