Showing posts with label flex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flex. Show all posts

3 Mar 2025

Each to their own

It has always been my view that we each enjoy amateur radio in the way we want to. Nobody has to impose our own views on anyone.

However, nothing stops me having a view! A large UK dealer is selling a new Flex SDR radio at £5599.99 plus delivery. No doubt purchasers will also want a linear, a tower and an HF beam. I am sure this new radio is  excellent, but it is not for me.

This is not my personal idea of amateur radio. My QDX is about a fiftieth of the size and very inexpensive as a kit. Even built it is not expensive. As I said, each to their own. 

Having said all this I would happily accept one if someone bought me one!  Probably very very unlikely!

By the way what does this mean please?

"Economical SO2R Solution: Support (OTRSP) in One Radio"

27 May 2016

Why? AMATEUR radio?

So Flex Radio has introduced a 2kW linear. My only question is why? To me, this is not amateur radio at all. OK, if you burn holes in the F2 layer you may be able to make (perhaps) a few more QSOs, but where is the fun?  I know with a big beam, and a big linear I could make contacts, but I can do this for nothing and with video on the Internet. No, to me, there is no skill in this and it makes a mockery of our hobby.


QRP is much more of a challenge. To me, even 100W is high power.

6 Sept 2012

FLEX-6700R hype?

Just read this on a UK supplier's website:
The FLEX-6700R™ Signature Series receiver is based on a new hardware architecture and SmartSDR™ software platform.  This hardware uses Digital Down Conversion (DDC) to convert from RF to digital.  The FLEX-6700R uses two Spectral Capture Units™ (SCU) for the RF to digital conversion and an ultra high performance on-board signal processing and control system to perform demodulation, filtering, and audio stream management.  The result is incredible receiver dynamic range and received signal clarity.
The FLEX-6700R model receiver utilizes two SCUs for reception from 0.33 to 77 MHz plus 135 to 165 MHz and the ability to create up to 8 full featured independent SLICE RECEIVERS.  Optimized preselector filters can be selected for the ham bands for greater out of band rejection.
SmartSDR is the “ecosystem” of the radio platform.  It organizes all the signal processing power in the radios into an advanced radio fabric.  SmartSDR understands the capabilities of each SCU and how to harness its power.  It also comprises of the “presentation layer” or GUI client that the user interacts with.  The FLEX-6700 utilizes an Ethernet connection for high-speed “driverless” access to the graphical user interface (GUI).
Now I know there are people around with too much money and there are some applications when a very good receiver may be of benefit, but would YOU spend £4799.94 on one? This is just the receiver remember! No thanks. I'll continue to build simple rigs for a few pounds and accept their limitations.