Southgate News reports that a new EMF calculator is now available from the RSGB. If your EIRP is greater than 10W, you may have to use this.
See .
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
Southgate News reports that a new EMF calculator is now available from the RSGB. If your EIRP is greater than 10W, you may have to use this.
See .
Quite a few people have been concerned by recent letters from OFCOM about changes to our licences in the future to ensure we do not put members of the public in danger.
With QRP this is very unlikely, but with high power and beams you may be required to prove this if you were ever investigated.
There are several calculators available to help work this out e.g. on the OFCOM and RSGB websites. I see Steve G1KQH has found another, the link of which is on his blog.
Southgate News has a piece about a new EMF calculator produced by OFCOM and the RSGB. At some point we may have to show OFCOM that our ERP is within certain limits, for example if a neighbour made a complaint.
After what has seemed like a long, cold, dull winter, today feels warm and sunny. Certainly there were lots of spring flowers out in Cambri...