So far, at 1131z, 16 stations have spotted me with the furthermost F6DBI (501km) in Brittany.
UPDATE 1345z: 23 spots of me so far on 2m QRP FT8 (see map). Furthermost is EI9KP (649km).
UPDATE 1850z: 39 stations have spotted me.
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
For about an hour I have been on 2m FT8 with 10W to the big-wheel omni antenna. 50 stations in 7 countries have already spotted me. It is now 0955z.
On 2m FT8 RX 36 stations in 6 countries spotted the furthermost being DL3TW (655km) not far from Denmark. One G QSO so far.
UPDATE 1211z: 67 stations in 10 countries have spotted me with 2 QSOs. On RX 57 stations in 8 countries spotted. 2m dead?
Stations so far spotted today on
2m FT8 RX with the omni antenna
Just to show it works, I tuned the coax outer and ATU up on 30m. Just because a match can be obtained it does not guarantee efficiency. The...