21 Jan 2025

That Yaesu FTX-1F

It is interesting to read the speculation surrounding the Yaesu FTX-1F. 

It was announced last summer and due to be released "early 2025" yet no specs have been forthcoming leading some to speculate if it will ever appear.

Certainly since the early 2000s market conditions are very different. Back then Yaesu had most of the market with almost no competition. ICOM and others are already in the market and the Chinese are coming up strongly with very keen prices. Yaesu more than ever know this could be their saviour or that it will soon be time to get out of this market.

In  my mind it has to be a market leader in features and price, much better than the IC-705 at a much better price.

At one time Yaesu were way out front. Not any more!

In the past I have had many Yaesu transceivers. They have made some excellent products, but I remain skeptical about this product, knowing that in the end all they are asking is one question, "will it make us money?".

See https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/1hs9jwj/yaesu_ftx1f_is_it_real_or_is_it_vapor/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would rather Yaesu get things right with the FTX-1F than rush it out only to get one to find problems. Think Yaesu learnt their lesson with radios like the FT-2000.

While I love my IC-705 and does everything I could ask for but does have issue with "wired" digi modes and the speaker rattles if turned up to loud. I'm considering the change to the FTX-1F as if it does have: Two independent receivers, Two Loud speakers and maybe 70MHz but we will have to wait and see!

The FT-710 and FTDX10 have been popular radios! I did have a FT-710 and quite liked it the only issues I found was the clicking noise on CW. The only reasons I sold it on was the CW clicks, missed having the ability of VHF/UHF receive as sometimes like to have tune about, all in one box and plus being a QRPer I hardly run more that 10watts so seemed pointless keeping it.