Several stations in Europe have worked VK8AW on 6m. This is amazing.
I am not sure of the propagation mechanism. TEP might be involved for some of the path. This sort of DX has been worked on several days.
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
Several stations in Europe have worked VK8AW on 6m. This is amazing.
I am not sure of the propagation mechanism. TEP might be involved for some of the path. This sort of DX has been worked on several days.
My little QRP W5OLF beacon was turned on at 0900z. No spots yet. UPDATE 1005z: 4 spots of me by TA4SCU (3010km). UPDATE 1743z: Spot...
This seems to be quite a good 6m station from VK. It has been worked last year as well. I've seen him on FT8 a few times but no luck myself. I would be a great catch on 6m for me. 73, Bas
Best I have copied on 6m FT8 is Japan and Brazil, but never worked with the vertical V2000 omni!
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