24 May 2023

4m Es

As we are now in the Es season, I shall probably try 4m FT8 from tomorrow. There are now quite a few countries on 4m, which is very different from the 1960s when really just the UK and Eire were on. I was surprised how quiet 4m was outside of the Es season.

A good website showing which countries have 4m allocations is http://www.g0che.co.uk/4m_alloc.php .

1 comment:

PE4BAS, Bas said...

Interesting list Roger, tnx for the link. I count 72 DXCC in total from which I worked 39 on 4m. I see that CT3 and CU are not allowed on the FT8 freq. 70.154. So to contact them you need to make a sked. Same counts for Sweden which only has one freq. allowance (I managed to work Sweden after a sked on MSK144). Hope to contact or at least see you on 4M FT8 this summer. 73, Bas