29 Jan 2023

8m FT8 QRP (Sunday)

No spots yet at 0947z. 

I have heard of one 8m T&I permit being issued in the UK last week, so I remain hopeful that I shall be granted one this year. 

Personally, I think it would have been far easier for OFCOM to have just granted a tiny, digital only, amateur allocation by NoV at 8m, with strictly no interference. 

C'est la vie.

UPDATE 1200z:  No spots today.

UPDATE 1343z:  G8BCG (394km) spotted. He is located in central Cornwall and was very strong at 0dB S/N. This suggests aircraft reflection.

UPDATE 1444z:  Just had news that an Australian 8m WSPR ISM beacon at just 5mW has been decoded in the Cook Is over 5900km away. I am convinced that ISM WSPR beacons could be operated by anyone in the UK without a licence and could certainly be copied in Europe by Es. They would probably reach the USA.The rules on ISM beacons vary with the country. In the UK we can operate on the 8m ISM band with 10mW ERP as long as the technical requirements and IR 2030 are met. In other countries there are different limits.

UPDATE 1850z:  QRT.

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