21 Jul 2022

8m experiment (Thursday)

As the storm risk seems to have passed for now, I am again on 40.680 MHz USB dial QRP FT8 TX. So far, spotted by HC02 (1808km) in Portugal. Es seems to be good today.

On the 8m IO group, there has been some discussion about legally transmitting in the ISM band without a special permit. This may be legal at low power in some places. If this is the case, many more people could legally use FT8 and WSPR on the 8m band. You may have to create a special callsign for things like PSKreporter or WSPRnet.  It is definitely worth checking if you can operate a "telemetry" beacon legally on 8m.

UPDATE 1223z:  3 stations have spotted me today so far on 8m FT8 TX. 

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