29 Mar 2022

8m UK permits

It looks like at least 4 UK stations will be on 8m TX this summer. OFCOM has issued permits (or is about to) to the first bunch of applicants. Others may follow. 

In the coming Es season, it is highly likely that some, or all, will be spotted in Europe. Especially with FT8, there is a good chance of stations being copied by other modes too.

I hope others across Europe apply for special access as well. 8m, being between 10m and 6m, is at a very interesting part of the radio spectrum for experiments. It is mid-way between HF and VHF.

The ZS6WAB 8m beacon has been copied in Europe (including in the UK) on several occasions.

All being well, my first 8m transmission will be April 2nd.

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