30 Mar 2022

8m antenna erection

In the next 48 hours, I hope to erect a wire dipole for 8m. Years ago this would have been trivial, but I am not good on ladders since my stroke in 2013

Putting this up requires a minimum of 2 ladder climbs. Luckily, both are not very high, so I hope to manage these.

I am really looking forward to experimenting on 8m TX.

My floored loft has not been visited by me in 8 years!! There is quite a bit of amateur gear in one of the boxes.

UPDATE 1352z:  Small steps! As I get very tired these days I am doing this is small steps with rest in between. So far I have (1) cut the 8m dipole to length, (2) drilled the hole from the outside into the shack for the coax, (3) lowered the 10m antenna so I can attach the 8m dipole to it and (4) shortened the length of the nylon insulator that holds the 10m antenna in place. Now I need a rest!

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