29 Nov 2021

QCX-mini 5W QRP

Sadly, this is probably beyond my fine motor skills to build these days, but this looks an excellent QRP transceiver. It is not (yet?) available above 17m, but with solar conditions improving, it would not surprise me to see kits for 15,12 and 10m shortly. It is also available built and tested.

I see it also supports beacon modes like WSPR. It is tiny.

They are also working on a tiny digital transceiver. I hope they make a 10m version. These days I mainly use FT8 and WSPR.

See https://www.qrp-labs.com/qcxmini.html .

UPDATE 1647z: Just received a reply to my query.  Hans is planning a version for the higher HF bands, but wants to catch up on the current version first! Parts supply is very difficult recently.


Anonymous said...

Roger, Hans also had a 4 band digital rig, the QDX for 80-40-30-20. This was in the works from a few years ago but he was too busy to release it. Recently he got around to preparing a few hundred. They sold out in 17 minutes!


There is difficulty in sourcing the I.C.s, so whether or not another batch can be rolled out remains to be seen. I think there will be some hardware and software revisions by then. If it does come about, I wonder if other band options would be available.



Anonymous said...

The website mentions that 10m is possible with reduced performance (less sesitivity and power)