29 Sept 2021

Geosynchronous Oscar 100

As many will know, I take a peek at activity on the narrowband transponder of this geosynchronous satellite that has been going for about 18 months. I do this by looking at the Goonhilly based web SDR.

My conclusion is still that this satellite is very underused. 

In a way this is surprising as, once set up, you can work half the world with ease with no QSB at any time. No beams, no towers, no linears are needed. Once aimed, the small dish is fixed for ever.  There is no local noise to fight.  All very neighbour friendly!  I guess the lack of commercial offerings puts off "black box" operators. To get active requires a brain, not a purse. I am sure that if one of the Japanese manufacturers made a "black box" solution, things would rapidly change. I guess the risk of it failing and the lack of volumes puts them off.

As mentioned before, it seems keen people enjoy the challenge of getting active, then lose interest. Most activity seems to be from Europe although I have spotted Thailand, South Africa and Brazil. It is odd spotting all of these just like a local!

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

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