29 Sept 2021

10m propagation improving

John, EI7GL's blog notes some good E-W F2 openings on 10m in recent days. 10m is getting good again.

As John says, if we get good propagation in September, it should be even better in October and November. I am predicting that we will see good 10m openings to the USA in late October.  It has already been possible, but when 10m is  really open, you will know! Expect S9 SSB signals from the eastern USA. 

With luck, we will also see AM signals just above 29MHz. In the past I have worked USA stations on AM when I was using QRP AM.

When good, 10m really is good. May the good days ahead be enjoyed. With luck, 10m could be good for many years.

See https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/ .

1 comment:

Keith said...

Agreed. I’ve worked several US states, Canadian provinces and other countries on 10m with less than 1 watt of SSB and an indoor wire antenna.