31 Jul 2021

10m QRP WSPR TX (Saturday)

Since about 0818z, I have been on 10m WSPR TX with my 500mW W5OLF TX beacon. No spots of me yet today.

UPDATE 1155z:   4 unique stations have spotted me, with many multiple times.

UPDATE 1323z:  7 unique stations spotted. Yesterday, FY5KE (7110km) in South America spotted me an incredible 78 times! What I find amazing is just how strong signals can be. For example DL2JA (919km) was getting my 500mW at +2dB S/N. This suggests he could have copied my if I was running less than 1uW.

UPDATE 1801z: 12 unique stations have spotted me.

UPDATE 1939z:  29 stations have spotted my 500mW with an incredible +15dB S/N from DK6UG.

UPDATE 2024z:  30 stations have spotted me with the furthermost FY5KE (7110km). QRT soon.


M0WWS said...

The FY5KE QRZ page say's they don't run FT8 "If you worked FY5KE in FT8, you worked a Pirate". I'm tempted to believe this includes WSPR because FY5KE spots me all the time on 10m when the band is only open to Europe on Sporadic-E

M0WWS said...

Update: Just worked FY5KE on 10m in CQ WW DX SSB contest - not a pirate just a really impressive station http://www.fy5ke.org/?page_id=7

M0WWS said...

Update: Just worked FY5KE on 10m in CQ WW DX SSB contest - not a Pirate just a really impressive station http://www.fy5ke.org/?page_id=7