26 Apr 2021

UK sub-postmaster scandal - NOT amateur radio

If you live in the UK, you will be aware of the scandal that has engulfed the Post Office. 

The Post Office installed a new (at the time) computer system that was faulty.  Many sub-postmasters were wrongly accused of fraud and some lost homes or were even imprisoned. It amazes me the PO did apparently nothing. Surely alarm bells would have rung when so many were accused of fraud?

Apparently the once boss of the PO has resigned from some directorships she held.

In my view, those in charge of the PO at the time should face the full force of the law. This scandal ruined many lives and those in charge deserve to be prosecuted for gross incompetence.  At the very least, some should face heavy fines and possible imprisonment. 

I sincerely hope that all the people affected by the scandal are very generously compensated. If it was me in government, I'd make those in charge at the time pay and hopefully they would be made bankrupt. Let them feel (really feel) the consequences of their gross inaction. Others suffered. Why should the helpless suffer and not those responsible? Sorry, but this makes my blood boil.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56882496 .

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