21 Feb 2021

17m FT8 QRP (Sunday)

After a very brief period on 10m, I decided on 17m FT8 QRP with my 2.5W and tiny indoor loop today. So far, 2 stations spotted in Spain on RX and EA1ALE (1037km) has spotted me on TX.

UPDATE 1040z: So far today, 27 stations in 4 countries spotted on RX. All of these are in Europe.

UPDATE 1258z: 35 stations spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1505z:  Nothing spotted on RX from the Americas. 

UPDATE 1518z:  QRT.  In all, 2 stations spotted my QRP TX with the furthermost being EA8JK (3022km). Just 37 stations spotted on RX.

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