15 May 2020

5m (60MHz) in Australia

Southgate News has some encouraging news about possible access to the 5m band in Australia.

It would be good if more administrations allowed access to the 8m (40MHz) band. At the moment there is very limited access in just a  handful of countries to 8m. Sandwiched between 10m and 6m, it would be a great band for true experimenters.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/may/60-metres-moves-closer-in-vk.htm#.Xr6HpmjYq00


John, EI7GL said...

Crossed wires Roger, that news item was for 60 metres (5 MHz).

Roger G3XBM said...

No. I am aware this is about 60MHz. My point is getting more people on 40MHz would be better.