1 Mar 2020

Quantum entanglement - NOT amateur radio

It is a fact (I think) that Einstein had problems with quantum physics. Experiments have been done that prove quantum physics is real, if counter-intuitive. Very many years ago, I did a course in quantum theory at university. It was very mathematical and I struggled!

One thing I remembered (I think correctly) was that according to quantum mechanics everything can be described as a wave function that exists in all space and all time. What we experience as the "here and now" can be thought of as a wave that is most probable here and now. Indeed, tunnel diodes only work because of quantum mechanical tunnelling.

All this brings me to quantum entanglement in which entangled particles even at other ends of the universe instantly have a kind of affinity. Look up some videos on YouTube. On the face of it, this breaks the laws of relativity that says nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

Does this mean teleportation might be possible? Apparently the Chinese have already done this with fundamental particles. In the future, who knows? One thing is certain: we really know and understand very little.

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