As it is Saturday morning, I decided to try 2m FT8. A recent 2m FT8 CQ was widely spotted from as far apart as Cornwall and Germany . Best DX was a spot by
DF6PW (562km) with 1 QSO. On 2m FT8 RX 5 stations spotted so far.
As usual, using 10W and the big-wheel omni antenna.
UPDATE 1127z: Recent 2m FT8 CQs have been spotted by 14 stations in 3 countries. On 2m FT8 RX 14 stations in 2 countries spotted so far.
Stations spotted on 2m FT8 RX so far today |
UPDATE 1314z: 31 stations in 5 countries spotted so far today on 2m FT8 RX. An average day today so far. I suspect many of these stations are via aircraft scatter rather than tropo.
Stations spotting me today
on 2m FT8 TX so far
UPDATE 1416z: 21 stations have spotted me so far today as shown on the map. On 2m FT8 even with 10W and the omni antenna, Germany is in reach every day! FT8 has transformed 2m for me.
UPDATE 1607z: My most recent 2m FT8 CQ was spotted by 18 stations in 5 countries. So far today, 25 stations in 6 countries have spotted my 2m FT8 TX (10W) today.
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