4 Sept 2019

10m Simple Sideband

Before my 2013 stroke I started a project to design a very simple sideband transceiver for 10m. At that time we were several years from the solar peak. Sadly, since my stroke this has not been progressed.

10m is an ideal QRP band as antennas are small and only low power is often needed. In my mind, I see a small, easily copied, design that can be built by almost anyone for not much outlay. I'd be really happy if someone else took on this challenge and finished it off.

We are soon to be on the climb to the next sunspot peak. 10m will be good again for F2 DX, although with Es it is great most summers. There are some ideas on my website linked below. If you can do better, no worries.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/10msimple_sb

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