24 Feb 2019

Neighbour pleaser?

Well, I think not.  Maybe OK if you live on a farm, but certainly my neighbours would object!

Southgate News have given details of the new antennas from InnovAntennas. These are billed as "compact".  I'd like to know what the non-compact antennas look like! With a tower, the investment must be of the order of £2k before you get a rig. Personally, this is not my style of amateur radio.

We are all different, so if this is OK with your neighbours and how you chose to spend your money, so be it. I make no judgements, but this is not for me.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2019/february/enter-the-innovantennas-xr7-and-xr7c.htm#.XHJlGvZ2u00

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