30 Nov 2018

Low cost spectrum analyser

This weekend is the MLS Hog Roast.

As part of their usual "something for the weekend" promotion they are showing a low cost spectrum analyser. It is years since I used one at work. OK, this is low cost, but covers 15MHz to 2.7GHz. Of all the test gear I ever used, a spectrum analyser was among the most useful.


G1KQH said...

Very useful yes! But quite frankly I would sooner save my money for a Rigol, prices are falling all the time:


73 Steve

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post Roger. I have been meaning to buy one of these for some years but was waiting for the lower frequency version, as more appropriate for QRP HF and QRM detection, which I have found here:


Good shout on Rigol Spectrum Analysers which offer a great deal more capability for the lab bench. However, the RF-Explorer series have the benefit of being very compact and light weight, which may be important if you have to fly to a site to track down interference problems or perform simple RF health checks while on site.

It is important to note that various models of RF-Explorer are available. In particular, low frequency coverage of the WSUB1G from 50KHz is more appropriate for HF users.