24 Sept 2018

2m FT8

A CQ call a few minutes ago was spotted by 5 stations in 2 countries again including 2 Cornish stations when I was again running just 2.5W to the omni. It seems that with FT8 anything is possible at any time with flat conditions. BTW I had a QSO with G8ALS again.

UPDATE 0900z:  Best DX on RX is F4TTR (477km).

UPDATE 1142z: 10 stations in 2 countries spotted so far on 2m FT8 RX today.

UPDATE 1653z: Now 16 stations in 3 countries spotted today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2135z: When I went QRT about an hour ago I was up to 19 stations in 4 countries spotted today.

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