15 Aug 2018

New HF SSB/CW rig coming from QRP-labs?

There are rumours on the streets about a new, single band, SSB/CW QRP transceiver from Hans Summers. Time will tell.

See https://www.qrp-labs.com/


John, EI7GL said...

From what I gather, it's supposed to have the performance of a high end commercial rig but at 10-20% of the cost. I have more info here... http://ei7gl.blogspot.com/2018/08/new-10-watt-7-mhz-ssbcw-kit-from-qrp.html

Anonymous said...

THIS is the golden age of ham radio! New modes, better radios at 1/10 the price, new opportunities for builders, and I can STILL power on my HW-16 and pretend I’m back in high school!

Dale, WB9BKJ