16 Jan 2018

FT8 operating guide

Thanks again to Southgate News, I see an amateur has written a "Noddy's guide" to this digital mode that has taken the world by storm. It certainly has helped to show bands are often useable when people thought they were "dead". I have found this mode particularly useful on 10m.

See http://www.g4ifb.com/FT8_Hinson_tips_for_HF_DXers.pdf

1 comment:

PE4BAS, Bas said...

And all the sites copying "Southgate" and then it is world news. They discovered something new! I wrote about it already in November 2017 https://pe4bas.blogspot.nl/2017/11/ft8-tips-by-zl2ifb-and-3y0z-band-plan.html

Just like a wrote already a week ago about the new Antarctica WSPR beacon and add something other sites didn't offer because the just copy others.


73, Bas