12 Mar 2016

Jews - NOT amateur radio

I have great respect for all people whether they are Jew, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or whatever. But, I must relate an incident yesterday.

We were in NE London and my wife was taking a very innocent photo of a squirrel up a tree. We happened to be outside a synagogue. A Jew driving a car stopped us and asked us to stop taking photos. My wife was very angry. Clearly the person was fearing we were taking photos with a view to attacking the synagogue. Nothing could have been further from our minds.

If any race in the UK wants to minimise risks they should blend into our culture and not try to be a race apart: NE London is full of Hassidic Jewish people in their unique dress. In 15 minutes of trying I managed to get 2 Jews to acknowledge my existence. They prefer to live separate lives. No, the Jewish community is its own worst enemy sadly.

One of my good friends is Jewish. In my illness she has been kindness itself.

By the way I managed to shake hands with the man. Shalom my friend.


John AE5X said...

I can't wait to read your post on muslims. No doubt it will be as insightful, balanced and well thought-out as the rest of your blog.

Sarcasm off.

John AE5X

Roger G3XBM said...

I have no ill will to ANY people as long as they share this Earth in peace and love. This applies to Muslim, Jew, Christian or atheist or whatever.

Roger G3XBM said...

John, AE5X, are you of the Jewish faith? I honestly have no ill will to ANY person of ANY faith or none. We all have a perfect right to follow any religion or none as long as we believe in the full rights of others to peace, love and kindness. I have met people of all faiths who have been kind and caring. This includes Christians, Muslims, Jews and people who profess no faith at all.

John AE5X said...

No, I'm not Jewish. I just find it ironic that as islam asserts itself (often quite violently) across Europe that you criticize a Hasidic jew for not conforming. Actually, I find it cowardly.

Roger G3XBM said...

Thanks John. Most Muslims are kind and gentle people. Very very few in Europe and the USA are bad and most Muslims disown the (very few) baddies. All I said was people of ALL faiths are better if they integrate with the communities in which they live. The N.London Jewish community was the one I have had direct experience of. No offence intended! For example, if I moved to Iran or Saudi I would expect to conform to their ways of life.