24 May 2015

Overnight surprise on 10m

At 0132z I was spotted by CT1JTQ (1843km) on 10m WSPR. I assume this was an isolated Es opening, but was surprised by the time, which was the middle of the night. The beauty of WSPR! Leaving WSPR running whilst getting on with other things is certainly a good idea. How else would such a fleeting 10m opening,  in the middle of the night, be noticed? 

This is especially true on 6m where WSPR should allow short openings, often at odd times, to be noticed and recorded. Often short openings can be missed.


Unknown said...

I had spots from him at 01:36 and 02:18, as you say it is interesting what WSPR throws up.

Bert, PA1B said...

Hello Roger, WSPR is tireless. It's very nice to see, that when you put the WSPR station under your pillow, it will show remarkable propagation. 73, Bert