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Ultimate 3 beacon kit - received from Japan |
I was surprised to find no enclosed instructions. Guess one is meant to look on the net. Only unpacked the LPF module so far. Being very careful.
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
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Ultimate 3 beacon kit - received from Japan |
In my early childhood, I lived by the sea in Salcombe, Devon. A look on YouTube had loads of videos of the town. It is now a rich man's...
Hi Roger,
all the construction instructions for the U3, as you quite rightly deduced, are to be found on a link on Hans web page. I suggest you read it right through before starting as there are some bits mentioned late into the construction that should be mentioned at the start. You have already started one, i.e build an LPF first so you can align the connectors on the main board. There is also a forum on Yahoo discussing problems and possible solutions people have come across.
Good luck with the build. It is one of the best kits I have ever built, despite some frustrating parts not supplied such as as the 2 pin connectors for RF connections etc, and a simple heatsink securing method for the PA devices. OK if your are a bit inventive I guess. 73 Ken G4APB
Thanks Ken. I intend to read the instructions carefully before turning on the soldering iron.
Hi Roger, also, Hans has updated the firmware to v3.04 now, affects WSPR, so you may want to upgrade your kit if you had it for some time.
73 Ken
Thanks Ken. Yes had the kit since Feb (I think) so I should update firmware before using it. I assume instructions on how to do this are on the net.
Hi Roger,
the re-programming instructions are on the net but for the U2 and a different uP. Hans did give me some pointers to upgrade mine but it looked a bit difficult so I took the easy way out and purchased an upgraded chip from his shop.
73 Ken
there is a gentleman in the UK who is selling laser cut cases for the U3. I don't recall his callsign at the moment.
I would suggest joining the Yahoo group. Good discussions and quick answers. QRP Labs. I am having some trouble accessing Yahoo at the moment so I am unable to post a link.
cheers, Graham ve3gtc
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