14 Nov 2009

FT817 successor coming?

Has anyone heard any intelligence/news on what is happening at Yaesu regarding new hand-held all-band, all-mode, successor to the FT817 with new features such as internal auto-ATU, speech processor, maybe 70MHz included on EU version, LiIon battery pack, etc...


Unknown said...

Unless they could make an even smaller version or one with a built in wide range auto ATU I don't know that there would be much to gain by changing. And I guess the second hand value of the old model would fall through the floor.

sm0rwo said...

Good question. I've been thinking about that for a while now, been checking everywhere for info but found nothing.
What I would like to see in a successor is room for two filters (cw&ssb), dsp like in my 897d and perhaps 10 w out.
Better batteries and less consumption..
Internal ATU is not for me so that should be an option..
Also, while sailing I'd like to monitor VHF 16 (156.8 MHz) which it cant now.
So there, all we need now is the rig. where is it?
73 de Per, sm0rwo

pe5ed said...

I would certainly like it when they incorporate USB (same as in the ic-7200) That would be awsome
Better battery capacity, or tuner inside the battery space.
A better way or more mainstream DC input.
A bit more like the old ft-100 when looking at the interface...
And indeed 70 Mhz, as well as the same ability the 897 has to add/subtract a transverter MF.

If 2 of these wishes come true, I hereby pledge buying the FT-817NE

Anonymous said...

Way less power consumption would be nice, and a notch filter!