5 Jun 2013

6m WSPR and the transatlantic path by Es

6m spots - note the drift
 There seem to be more people trying WSPR on 6m than in previous years. Prompted by Nick G4IKZ this evening I have moved from 10m to 6m and have spotted CN8LI (2113km) and been spotted myself by a few G stations. On 6m the Doppler shift on signals can be quite fierce and setting the FT817 accurately on frequency is a little more tricky: I have to set the FT817 to 50.29260 rather than 50.2930kHz to get the correct frequency spots. I assume my 12 year old reference oscillator in the rig is a bit off. On inter-G signals I suspect that the Doppler is a result of aircraft reflection. On more distant DX stations I assume it is as a result of E layer clouds moving around.

Doppler on transatlantic 6m multi-hop Es signals might be a killer - I can imagine reflection points moving around in the E layer  - but if not, then WSPR would be a great way to check for transatlantic openings.

I'll leave the 2W WSPR to the co-linear vertical running overnight tonight and on a few further nights through June and July. We just need LOTS more USA and Canadian stations both monitoring and RXing on 6m WSPR.

More VLF earth mode tests

Tomorrow morning, all being well, I hope to do a further test on VLF earth mode at 8.97kHz using my new Asus X101ch netbook using Spectran software and a simpler loop preamp on RX. Initially I'll test locally to check results are as expected before venturing further with the new (simpler and smaller) RX system.

Also, I want later to try TXing with a large, single turn, horizontal loop on the ground around the garden rather than the earth electrodes. On the basis that I am coupling into the ground and utilities, a horizontal loop might be as effective at coupling as the earth electrode antenna. A straight comparison of one against the other will be worth trying.

I also want to try WSPR at VLF using both my PCs.

4 Jun 2013

2m UKAC contest

The few stations worked this evening on 2m SSB
Just for a bit of fun I went on the 2m UKAC contest this evening with the FT817 to the vertical colinear from home, not the most ideal of antennas when everyone is running horizontal beams. Nonetheless, I managed 6 QSOs in just over an hour of operating. No great DX - the best QSO was just 47km tonight - but a bit of fun. The better stations were exchanging serial numbers in the 70s (at least) and I was hearing stations working GM, GW and F. The map shows my (meagre!) QSOs. Maybe in a month's time I'll erect that big wheel here at this QTH and we can compare results v. the vertical antenna.

3 Jun 2013

iPhone and iPod Touch

My iPod Touch 4g battery, not easily replaceable, is now suffering from low capacity after being used daily for over 2.5 years quite intensively.

Of all the technology kit I have owned over the years, my iPod Touch 4g must rank as the very best. It gets used to surf the net over wi-fi, to communicate with our children and grandchildren when on holiday as well as for BBC iPlayer, music, videos, games, amateur radio applications and much more. Mine is the 8GB version but I see Amazon is now selling the 16GB 4th generation version for just £129, which is a bargain. I am sorely tempted to replace my aged unit.

For amateur radio apps that run on the iOS kit like iPhones and iPods, see http://www.g0hwc.com/iphone.html.

2 Jun 2013

4m/6m SSB/CW transceiver from Noble Radio

This was news to me, but I just spotted a new, European made, high spec 20W SSB/CW 4m/6m transceiver from a company called Noble Radio on the 4m website at www.70mhz.org. To my eyes this is an ugly beast which resembles an old PMR radio, but what a good idea for a new VHF transceiver. Certainly in Europe a 6m/4m transceiver has some attraction for those interested in the lower VHF spectrum, if the price is sensible.  Wouldn't it be nice to have a 4 band (10, 6, 4 and 2m) all-mode rig from Japan or China too sometime soon. There would be a market.

Does anyone know who Noble Radio is and in which country they are located? I have no idea about price or availability.  Perhaps this is a "test the interest" concept model, rather like the Tokyo Hi-Power QRP radio of a few years ago. This was shown at a ham fair but never made it to market.

472kHz WSPR

After a few weeks break, I fired up the 472kHz kit this evening with about 5mW ERP (or less) from the 20m spaced earth electrodes in the ground. Not a lot of activity but exchanged WSPR reports with G7NKS (46km) and got a few reports from PA3ABK/2 (306km) and PA0RDT (243km). PA0A is always copyable when on WSPR as he rides above the local noise floor, unlike many others. Otherwise not a lot doing so far tonight. I guess everyone is watching football. I shall leave the kit running until later this evening to see what else appears.

One thing I MUST do is improve the 472kHz RX system as these days the noise pick-up on the earth electrode antenna is too great from local noise sources. For the new QTH I think I'll be installing a tuned RX loop and pre-amp at the far end of the garden as far from noise sources as possible. Even though directional, I suspect this will be better than the E-field probe, with the advantage that the loop may be rotated to null particularly bad noise sources locally.

1040z update: I shall leave the 472kHz running overnight but don't expect many more reports. These were the unique reports so far.

A new 23cm transverter kit from Australia

Mini-Kits in Australia has just announced a new transverter for 23cms. Based on a number of modules, it allows a complete, high performance transverter to be built. This transverter replaces earlier designs that used parts no longer available. At the time of writing there is no price shown. See http://www.minikits.com.au/eme23-trv.htm .

I am very impressed when people release kits for 23cms and higher. Designing a kit that is easy to reproduce is not an easy task, although using SMA components and printed inductors/striplines makes the initial modelling easier and less subject to variations than when leaded parts are used.

Travel masts and SOTA accessories

When out portable it is often useful to have a small mast that can be erected to get a wire antenna up in the clear. SOTAbeams are now selling a 10m long fibre glass collapsable mast that is just 67cm long when collapsed, so easy to put in the boot of a car or even in luggage.  I see they are also selling a newer Mk 2 version of the FG02 antenna analyser which now covers 4m and has 62 memories.

I am wondering if SOTAbeams are intending to sell the YouKits TJ2B SSB handheld? This would be an ideal SOTA item.

FT817 replacement

Unless anyone has better data, there is still no news from Yaesu on the development of a replacement to the FT817. The most recent information I have is this (extract) from a posting on the FT817 Yahoo group 15 months ago by KE6ZGP. If development has started I would have expected some leaks by now. The FT817 remains a great QRP radio, but even a partial upgrade (adding internal ATU, speech processor, LiIon battery and maybe 4m) but keeping the same basic case/form factor would be welcomed. Such a kaizen development need not take that long.

"Not sure how many of you were watching the W5KUB Dayton stream this morning, but...

Tom interviewed the Yaesu rep about their new FT-DX3000 and the FT-1D, when all was said and done he started taking questions, I went ahead and asked about a possible replacement for the FT-817. The rep then stated - due to some parts (like the LCD screen) either being no longer available or extremely hard to find, they will likely replace the FT-817 in a couple years. He wasn't sure when exactly, R&D hasn't started onanything, but the earliest we can expect to hear any solid talk is two years from now.

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP"

Any better news anyone?

1 Jun 2013

No new solar maximum?

The latest summary for May 2013 on the Solar Terrestrial Activity Report at http://www.solen.info/solar/ shows that the (smoothed) international sunspot number (SIDC) reached 78.7 in May, some way below the last peak 96.7 back in Nov 2011. There is still a chance that another few months could raise the smoothed sunspot numbers above the Nov 2011 peak. Whatever, if these numbers remain at similar levels into the autumn we will have decent conditions on the higher HF bands.

Back in action after 2 weeks out

Well, the Swiss train holiday is over, the grandchildren have gone home to mums and dads after a week with us, and we have our house back. For the last week I forgot we had carpets on the floor as they were strewn with toys. We love our grandchildren so much - they really are what life is all about - but the house was more like a war zone during their stay! The youngest staying with us was just 2 and the eldest 5. You get the picture.

Now that we are back to normal, amateur radio experiments can resume. I'll probably resume 472kHz and 28MHz WSPR tomorrow and hope to do some further VLF earth mode tests during the week. I may also enter the 2m UKAC contest on Tuesday evening.

31 May 2013

Microwaves the easy way?

I've just discovered the GW4DGU website with details of (relatively) low cost assembled modules for 10GHz. The basic unit consists of a UDC10368C image-reject up/down converter (£149.90 built) which provides the basic up-down frequency translation needed to get a TX signal out on the band and a basic receive converter. Noise figure is not brilliant and TX power is low, but capable of being improved by additional preamps and PAs. Compared with a wideband FM system, even this used "stand alone" would be capable of decent results locally with a small satellite TV dish.

FT-450D: TX hum and optical encoder problems really fixed?

FT-450D from Yaesu
One of the best value 5-100W HF/6m radios with a decent spec is the Yaesu FT-450D. In many ways it would be an ideal main station radio for me in the new QTH: QRP levels most of the time, but the ability to turn up the power occasionally when conditions are poor or I need to work a sked. The receiver performance is reported to be excellent.

What bothers me are continuing reports of TX hum on some examples and optical encoder failures. I thought that Yaesu fixed these design weaknesses 18 months ago, but I have some doubts about how good and how long-lived the solutions are. Can anyone who has bought a new FT-450D in the last year or so please let me know what you think?

A non radio week - grandchildren time

Grandsons on the London Eye
Since returning from our Swiss rail holiday last week, we've had 3 of our 4 young grandchildren staying with us all this week, on their own without mum and dad.  Both our children don't live locally, so we enjoy having the grandchildren come to stay.
At Wicken Fen today
As the youngest is 2 and the oldest just over 5, it has been a pretty "full-on" time, so amateur radio has taken a back seat.  Tomorrow, they return home and we will be having a few hours putting our home back together, HI.  On Wednesday we all went to the London Eye. The first photo shows the 2 little grandsons enjoying the view. The second is of me with one of my little granddaughters and her brother at Wicken Fen.

More on the TJ2B SSB handheld from China

The Youkits website has more information on the TJ2B 4 band handheld SSB transceiver including assembly details for the 2 versions of the kit and several YouTube clips.  A review has yet to appear on www.eham.net though.

The basic specs from the website are:
  • DDS controlled, Minature LCD display with frequency 
  • 5W output 
  • Kit A TX: 5-15MHz, covering  60m, 40m, 30m, 20m band RX:3-18MHz
    *can extend TX to 3-18MHz by MOD.  
  • Kit B TX:  18-30MHz covering  17m,15m,12m,10m band RX:14-30MHz (Not in stock)
  • 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz, 100KHz tuning rate available 
  • Dual VFO with 40 memories
  • Memory transfer to VFO
  • One tuning knob plus 4 keys to realize all functions such as Step, Mode, A/B, Memory/VFO, Memory to VFO transfer, etc.  
  • Built in speaker, mic and PTT
  • Fully assembled, kit available
  • Optional battery lithium pack:1600mah
  • Enclosure size: 195mm(L) x 68mm (w) x 38mm (T)
Of course, the main attraction of this little rig is the low price for the assembled unit at $329 with the part assembled (all SMA done) kit version at $269. 

As yet, I am not aware of a UK dealer offering these units. Perhaps they are waiting a few months until the design matures and early design bugs are ironed out. I would be surprised if this unit in both 4-band versions is not on sale in the UK before the year end.

30 May 2013

A book worth reading

On one of my other blogs, Miscellaneous Musings, I have reported on a book recently read, whilst on holiday in Switzerland, about the banking crisis and how to fix it. See http://qss2.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/the-sickness-of-banks.html .

Reading the book left me fuming with anger and sadness that decent, hard working people could be so SHAFTED by greedy, corrupt and deceitful bankers out to make a quick buck. That the financial industry is supposedly such a major part of our economy is surely a sad reflection on the modern age.

The banking crisis is hitting us all and fixing the problems will take years and years. Motto: NEVER trust a banker or government and bury some of your savings in a box in the garden!

26 May 2013

7 mile optical daytime QSO by Bernie G4HJW and Jenny G0VQH

G4HJW and G0VQH enjoyed a successful 7 mile optical frequency QSO during daylight when in Scotland recently. Bernie also worked GS3PYE/P. There is a video of the QSO recorded by the good folks at Cam Hams. The QSO used the now famous Finningley optical transceiver designed by Bernie last year in 100mm (drain pipe!) optics. They were going to try an infra-red QSO too but as rain set in they abandoned the attempt.

Second solar peak

The solar numbers are looking quite good currently and there now seems some likelihood that the second peak we are now seeing could (just) exceed the peak of Nov 2011. Fingers crossed.

457kHz personal rescue beacons

When in Switzerland last week and thumbing through magazines I noticed references to 457kHz personal rescue beacons to help locate people buried in avalanches. They are small, lightweight, like GPS units, and have a range of 40-80m and a battery life from a single cell battery of up to several hundred hours.

There is useful information on these at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avalanche_transceiver and on http://www.pieps.com/en/safety-equipment/232-pieps-backup .  Although of no direct amateur radio application, I thought this an interesting device.

24 May 2013

eHam.net QRP reviews

Whenever looking to purchase a new radio or kit, I visit the reviews section at www.eham.net to read what others have to say about their purchases. Occasionally the review average scores are skewed by one bad experience (when the usual score is 1 out of a possible 5 maximum), but overall a good impression can be gathered. For example, the Rockmite scores 4.9 out of 5 with 76 reviews, which is impressive.

Reviews of QRP radios can be found at http://www.eham.net/reviews/products/22 .

Some HF beams spotted in HB9 land

Today, our Swiss rail holiday continued with a visit to the capital Bern, about 1 hour north of our current location at Kandersteg. We woke up this more to yet more snow on the ground, and this is MAY!

Yet again we were struck by the cost of things in Switzerland: postcards around 1-2 francs, 2 francs to use the station toilet (ouch!), a coffee around 4.20 francs and 8.50 francs for a bowl of goulash soup. The exchange rate is currently around 1.46 Swiss francs to the UK pound but the tourist rate is somewhat poorer.  Luckily the Great Rail Journeys holiday includes almost everything apart from lunches and a couple of dinners. I can recommend them.

For the first time, a couple of HF beams were spotted on the way to Bern: one was a 4 element HF beam with a 2m crossed yagi above (useful in this rugged, mountainous landscape) and the other a 4 element HF quad.

Tomorrow we head home via the TGV from Geneva to Paris and Eurostar to London.

23 May 2013

Swiss rail holiday continues

The Matterhorn
After traveling on the Glacier Express yesterday, we went to Zermatt and up to the summit at Gornergrat, overlooking the Matterhorn. At the top of Gornergrat it was -4 deg C but felt warmer in the bright sunshine. Excellent views of the Matterhorn. I'll post some photos when I can download them from the camera - guess who forgot the micro-SD adaptor!

20 May 2013

Rail holiday in Switzerland

As I am currently in Switzerland on a Great Rail Journeys rail holiday (without amateur gear), posts this week will be infrequent. Having a good time though combining rail travel with excellent scenery.  Currently based in Chur for 3 nights and travelling to Arosa by train today. Later this week we travel on the Glacier Express narrow gauge line across the country towards the Zermatt area.

My blog on the holiday (adding to it each day) is at http://hb9trip.blogspot.co.uk/

15 May 2013

28MHz BitX SSB transceiver

The very popular BitX SSB transceiver is, to my knowledge, available in kit form (from QRP kits) for both 20 and 17m, but I haven't seen versions for other HF bands.

What would be really nice would be a version for the 10m band where 6-8W would be enough to work the world when the band is open. The IRF510s would need to be changed to a Mitsubishi power FET such as the RD16HHF1.

Does anyone know if a 10m BITX has been done or if a kit is available for this band?

37 and 73kHz tests through the ground?

Further to my comment on VLF WSPR, I am still thinking about doing some earth-mode (through the ground) transmission tests at a couple of frequencies between the 8kHz dreamer's band and 136kHz. I'd like to test in the old 73kHz band (legal with earth mode and minimal radiation) and possibly around 37kHz too. A radiated test in the old 73kHz band would not be legal despite low uWs ERP unless I applied for the modern equivalent of a testing and development licence and paid £50 a year, stupid for a couple of tests taking a few hours. Getting MoD approval for that would likely take months and months too.

As my FT817 does not cover this frequency range, and the frequencies will be too high for direct sound card reception, I shall have to build an up-converter for the FT817 with a couple of front-end filters to pre-select the desired LF frequencies or a down converter to feed a sound card directly.  A loop, E-field probe or earth electrodes would be used on RX ahead of the converter with the eventual output feeding a PC running appropriate weak signal software (Spectrum Lab, Spectran, WSPR etc).

I made a request to OFCOM very many months ago to permit me to do some low ERP radiated tests in the band between 9 and 136kHz on the basis that the potential for interference with very low ERP (uWs) and transmissions lasting no more that a few hours at a time would be extremely low.  Such a request required lateral thinking and empowered decisions.  Many, but not all, people at OFCOM seem incapable of making common sense decisions any more. They are also hindered by stupid bureaucracy. Ho hum.


Now I have a second small PC (a small Asus X101CH netbook) the possibility exists for me to try some VLF earth mode tests with WSPR. Although I did receive G6ALB 3km away on 8.97kHz through the ground when Andrew was running around 40W, I have never tried looking for my own signal using WSPR at VLF. Theoretically it should be about as good as QRSS10, so quite weak signals may be detectable.

One idea I have is to TX the actual WSPR tone frequencies at baseband through the ground using my small 5W VLF transmitter. Using either my loop antenna or E-field probe on the car retuned to around 1.4-1.6kHz VLF, I can take some trips into the field to see how things work out.

With stability not being an issue I could even try WSPR15 (15min TX) which has performance close to that of QRSS30. Mind you, waiting at a test site for at least 15 minutes for a result could be tedious. This is where some local help from other decently equipped VLF listeners within a 10-20km radius would be very useful.

Back on 10m WSPR with WSPY TX

Unique 10m WSPR spots using WIPSY TX today
Having given up on 20m CW this morning, I fired up the 10m WISPY beacon TX running around 250mW to see what spots I got. During the day I caught a couple of Es openings. 4X1RF seems to spot me whatever I do/run and on most days!

I have still to put the TX and RX parts of this project together (both parts have been separately tested) as a full WSPR/PSK31 transceiver for 10m.

Struggling on 20m CW

For the last 30 minutes I've been putting out calls and listening on and around 14.060MHz CW, the QRP frequency, using my QRP OXO transmitter. Although a couple of QRP stations have been copied (DJ2GL and IZ5OVM) I have only managed to be spotted on the Reverse Beacon network myself once by DJ9IE.
Although calling CQ and hunting can be fun with QRP, it can be very frustrating with less than 1W and an indifferent antenna when conditions are poor and activity low.

G4ILO is 60 years old

Julian G4ILO - 60 yrs old on May 14th - with XYL Olga
Julian G4ILO reached his 60th birthday this week on May 14th. As those who follow his excellent blogs will know, he has been successfully battling a brain tumour, although battling the DVLA to get his driving licence back seems to be harder, HI.  I am sure everyone here wishes both Julian and his XYL Olga a VERY happy 60th birthday and many years of happiness in the future.

See http://onefootingrave.blogspot.co.uk/

14 May 2013

472kHz in the USA - when?

Anyone know what the problem is in the USA (with the FCC I assume) that is holding up the release of the 472-479kHz band to amateurs in that country? It rather makes the USA look like a backward 3rd world failed state, incapable of passing what should be a simple piece of legislation! I am sure that many in the USA are waiting with bated breath for the release of this fascinating new band that most of us have been able to enjoy for some months now.

Come on FCC - are you a mice or men?

HT-200 QRP HF transceiver from Tokyo Hy Power?

The HT-200 HF QRP transceiver
Some years ago (in 2006) I posted news of the HT-200 HF QRP rig from Tokyo Hy Power. There was a page about it on my old website. The image showed a prototype of what looked like a very useful little transceiver but, regrettably, nothing more was seen of it.

Unless I have completely missed news of it, I assume they decided not to continue the development and production of this unit. I expect this was to do with profit margins, development costs or the general state of the economy in Japan.

If anyone knows what really happened and why this never made it to market (I think) then please let us all know.

Solar flare and cycle 24

The BBC website has news of the solar flare on Monday. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22525233 .  As we are around the peak of solar cycle 24 - the jury is still out on whether or not we will have a second peak in the cycle larger than the one of Nov 2011 - such flares can be expected. They can occur at any time though. 

Of course the media, including the BBC, likes to "hype up" the dangers of extreme flares: talk of wiping out satellites and power grids etc. All these things can occur, but we have better ways of protecting from these risks and with some advanced warning the dangers of black-outs can be reduced.

In many ways, I prefer the quieter years in the sunspot cycle: working DX with QRP is more challenging on the higher HF bands and, as I mentioned a week ago, WSPR will really be useful in winkling out the openings that fleetingly may occur.

10 May 2013

Japanese amateur gear prices - down please!

Sorry to labour this point, but in the last few months the Yen has lost over 25% of its value against the UK pound. Why are we NOT seeing prices of Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu gear falling significantly? By now the FT817ND should be retailing for less than £500. I know there are other factors, but it would be nice if our dealers passed on SOME of the exchange rate improvements.

9 May 2013

SSB generator using a modulated PLL (by PE1NNZ)

Guido PE1NNZ has been doing some very impressive work on direct SSB generation using a PLL and implemented it on a Raspberry Pi mini computer. I don't claim to understand a word of it (!) but this really is clever stuff. He tells me he has made several contacts on the 40m and 20m bands with his Raspberry Pi!
For your interest, here is more information about the SSB experiment: http://pe1nnz.nl.eu.org/2013/05/direct-ssb-generation-on-pll.html

73, Guido

To Argentina on 10m WSPR today

The 2W WSPR beacon was copied several times today in Argentina (LU8EX, 11208km) and by CX2ABP (11127km) a few days ago. 4X1RF seems to copy me most days. 10m seems to open mainly on the N-S paths although I did spot a DU station (Philippines) a few days ago.

This evening I have fired up the 472kHz WSPR kit into the earth electrodes. PA3ABK is coming through despite my high local noise level and 6 stations so far are copying my 1mW ERP signal. PA3ABK is the best DX report of my signal so far at 306km but the beacon has only been on for an hour so far.

8 May 2013

WSPR - how long to get a decode?

A question for my esteemed readers please.

Using WSPR (WSPR2 that is) the transmission burst is nearly 2 minutes long, but I believe strong signals can be decoded when only a part of the burst is received. My question is, how short a burst can be decoded?  Presumably it depends on how strong the signal is.

LB9YE was coming through quite well this morning but there was no decode of a very strong (I assume MS) burst at 1048 which lasted about 30 seconds. Of course with MS there may also be some Doppler shift which can mess things up a bit.

If you know about WSPR and can help with the answer, I'd appreciate it. I am particularly curious to know how WSPR might do with short MS bursts which can be strong but only last a few seconds. It also begs another question: there is now a longer version of WSPR (WSPR15) with better decode S/N levels. I wonder if a shorter version of WSPR has been considered? Then again I think there may be better modes for MS.

Night watch on 10m

Overnight, I ran WSPR on 10m just for fun. Although my 2W wasn't spotted until 0600, a couple of Germans were spotted here around 0400 presumably by Es or MS. Without modes like WSPR such brief night time openings would go unnoticed.

7 May 2013

One Laptop Per Child project

When I left paid work in 2008, the One Laptop Per Child project was in its infancy. At that time the idea of a low cost PC or netbook was not really on the horizon, although the Linux 7 inch Asus EEE PC was a sign of the future.  As far as I can tell, the availability of low cost netbooks and tablet PCs has rather overtaken this project: low cost computing is now available from many sources.

The idea of making low cost computing and internet access available to under-privileged children and others worldwide is a noble one and one I fully support: knowledge is power and knowledge and education are  rights for all citizens of the world.

However, there seems to be some doubt about the success of the OLPC project 5 years on. It was a "good idea" but maybe market forces overtook it?

One of the reasons I like QRP projects is because they have the potential to make useful radio technology accessible to all at low cost.  Like the OLPC project, my dream is a simple, low cost, easily reproducible, HF transceiver design that really can produce useful results. There is something beautiful is "elegant simplicity" don't you think?

The £20 decent HF transceiver thoughts

I never fail to be impressed by what other people know and that I don't.  Several people have responded to my post about the "£20 decent HF transceiver challenge" with ideas that use PICs and similar micro-controllers in novel ways to generate SSB signals. In all honesty I wouldn't have a clue about how to start doing this, so I am VERY impressed.

My own approach to the £20 transceiver would be very low tech indeed: not an IC in sight probably and certainly no processors. Having said that, I would be very interested to see how such novel approaches could help to realise a low cost decent HF transceiver. As an example of this look at the HF WSPR transmitters produced entirely using a Rasperry Pi PC.

One thing that life has taught me is that it is impossible to know about everything: some of us know lots about RF (I am only a surface scratcher) whereas others know lots about software or something else. Some very talented people have a wide span of knowledge.

We should be grateful for the unique knowledge WE have and gracefully accept that others know lots more than us about something else. It never does any good to be stressed about what we don't know. In my work days I always told my staff never to be afraid to ask the dumb questions as there are lots of others waiting for someone to ask them!

Incidentally I have done nothing yet towards this design. Weather has been too nice to be inside engineering, HI.

Solar activity - a second peak?

Looking at the sunspot and solar flux levels in the last month, it looks like we are seeing evidence of a second peak to cycle 24.  Whether it exceeds the peak of November 2011 remains to be seen.  As the slide down from the peak(s) is slower than the rise towards the peak(s), we can expect reasonable HF conditions for several more years yet before we return to the quiet years when activity on 12 and 10m is very low indeed.