25 Jan 2023

2200m in 2013

One of my Facebook memories today was this photo of my 2200m tests. Apart from a very brief TX last year I have not been on that band on TX for many years.

Sunspots - Wednesday January 25th 2023

 Solar flux is 180 and the SSN 127. A=4 and K=0.

24 Jan 2023

Cold winter? - NOT amateur radio

This winter we have seen far more cold and frosty days than for many years. We had snow on the ground before Christmas and we have just had another cold spell. 

It is odd to think that not many months ago we were too hot in bed! Come May we can expect blossom, summer migrant birds and warm days again.

23cm webpage added

As I have started my adventure on 23cm, it seemed the right time to add a webpage about 23cm on my website. Many are dead serious about the band with big antennas and high power. I am only playing!

As you know, I am using the transverter from SG Labs which looks well made. Several people have these and are pleased.

Yesterday was my first ever 23cm QSO.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/23cm .

UPDATE 1406z:  I tried to see if there was any sign of the 23cm beacon on Dunstable Downs GB3DUN on 1296.890 MHz. Nothing at all was spotted despite moving the antenna around to try to detect it, perhaps by a reflection off something. From here, this path is well obstructed. I assume it is on the air. The Martlesham beacon GB3MHZ on 1296.830 MHz is on the wrong side of the house, so I think I have no chance. I shall have a go though later.

Sunspots - higher than expected?

Some years ago, some were predicting a Maunder minimum with years without sunspots. 

On present showing, the current solar cycle is looking to exceed the last one. My favourite site for solar data is still expecting the peak late this year, which is early. With many months still to go to the peak, things are promising.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Tuesday)

Yet again, I am on 10m WSPR TX with my beacon. It is now 0940z and I have been on for about 10 minutes. So far today, spotted by no stations.

UPDATE 1007z:  So far, 2 unique stations are spotting my QRP. The distances look like single hop F2. (Canaries and Finland).

UPDATE 1125z:  4 unique stations spotting me.

UPDATE 1446z: 
12 unique stations have spotted me today.

8m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

 At the moment I am on 8m FT8 QRP. It is now 0934z. No spots yet, although I have only just turned on.

UPDATE 1610z:  4 stations in EI and G have suddenly spotted my 8m QRP FT8 TX. I am wondering if this is aircraft reflection? Apart from this, just 1 EI spotted on FT8 RX this morning.

UPDATE 1616z:  Since then, spots by 2 more at this time. This makes aircraft reflection even more likely. It looks like the position and Doppler made reception possible. I am not aware of aircraft reflection before now on 8m FT8.

UPDATE 2205z:  I have been advised to look at Airscout which is an app that can help predict when planes are in the correct place for airplane scatter. See  http://airscout.eh/index.php

Sunspots - Tuesday January 24th 2023

Solar flux is 189 and the SSN 144. A=7 and K=1.

23 Jan 2023

8m T&I permit renewal application with OFCOM

The application to get a new 8m permit to replace my current one (at great expense, which I think is utterly STUPID!!) is with OFCOM. There is no certainty of a new 8m permit, but I have essentially asked for the same as the last one. 

If they reject it, I intend to WSPR with 10mW ERP in the ISM 8m band. Perhaps I should use the callsign OF3COM just to register my disapproval, HI.

My 8m FT8 was turned on late at 1645z.

UPDATE 1800z: Just S57A (1194km) has been spotted. Nobody has spotted my QRP today.

British politics - NOT amateur radio

It turns out that our one time chancellor (in charge of money) made an error with his taxes and has paid a very large sum to settle his mistakes. Our Prime Minister is married to a very rich woman who is worth millions (at least).  There are many we just do not know about.

In my view ALL in high office must be above reproach. It is also important that they understand the common man.

You could be forgiven for thinking many in high office are not there really for the common good and are out of touch with many.

At one time, those in high office had very high standards and went into politics with high levels of integrity. These days many enter politics for totally the wrong reasons.

Being wealthy is not a crime. Being out of touch with the common man is sad.