10 Feb 2022

Day off amateur radio

As we were out for much of the day, I have not been on the air today on any band. This must be the first time in several months. I shall probably be on 10m WSPR or FT8 tomorrow.

70cm FT8 activity contest yesterday

Stations spotted on 70cm RX
yesterday with the 2m omni!
FT8 activity on 70cm has really increased especially in activity contests. Although I spent most of the time yesterday on RX, I had a couple of QSOs and was spotted as far away as The Netherlands despite using just 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna for 2m!! 

Stations spotting my 2.5W 70cm TX
FT8 to the 2m omni antenna

The ship of the fens - NOT amateur radio

Like Chartres Cathedral in France, Ely Cathedral can be seen from miles away like a boat on the horizon. It is a magnificent building. 

Eat less meat - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday I listened, via Zoom, to a most interesting lecture by an economics professor on how to take account of climate change in accounting. This was part of my University of the Third Age in Cambridge (U3AC)  lectures.

One of the "take away" remarks was that he thought we would be able to feed the world as long as we eat less meat. In my view, we will be persuaded by adverts to enjoy alternatives, if only on certain days each week. Beef and lamb need huge amounts of land and water. If we don't change, we will all die! 

As a carnivore who enjoys steaks I shall not find this totally easy. Eating less lamb and beef and more pork and chicken are good starters.  Personally, I could be a vegetarian despite enjoying my steaks, certainly on some days a week.

My 10 year old granddaughter has been vegan for over a year and some of her food has been really tasty.

Sunspots - Thursday February 10th 2022

Solar flux is 126 and the SSN 78. A=3 and K=2.

9 Feb 2022

Rally news - Orlando HamCation

USA folks may be interested in the 75th Orlando HamCation that runs from February 11-13th in Orlando, Florida. There are 65+ commercial traders and a huge car boot sale area. Do check with organisers first before travelling.

See www.hamcation.com .

OFCOM crappery

OFCOM today emailed me about their latest proposals for mobile spectrum.

Despite 2 further chase emails this week, I have still not heard about how my 8m NoV which I submitted last October is progressing. It seems if you are talking money/revenues they are interested. Otherwise, you just get ignored.  I am totally out of patience with OFCOM, who appear to have zero interest in customer care!

Both my MP and the RSGB have been contacted. OFCOM come over as a totally inept QUANGO. I have had dealings with OFCOM for many years. They seem as inept as ever.

UPDATE 1707z:  Just had a response from my MP who is on the case. Best thing she could do is vote to disband this disfunctional group.  Response from OFCOM? Still nothing.

Blooming lovely - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows the daffodils under the tree on our green coming in to flower. Spring is not far away now. 

Anglesey Abbey earlier - NOT amateur radio

We usually have a walk here at least once a month as there is always something to see in every season. At the moment, the main thing is snowdrops. 

70cm FT8 cumulative activity contest

The 70cm FT8 activity contest is tonight starting at 1900z. I can only run 2.5W (10W on SSB) maximum to my 2m big-wheel antenna, but probably will be on for a while. 

UPDATE 1656z:  Just QSYed to 70cm to check SWR etc. All seems fine. Spotted by M0IEP (155km) on TX.  Nothing spotted on RX yet.

See https://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/contest_rules.pl?contest=70cmsgmac