4 Dec 2021

Amateur radio projects book?

Some time ago someone suggested I write a book summarising all my amateur radio projects. 

Sorry to disappoint, but this is very unlikely. Writing a book is a lot of work. All my projects are on my website and G3XBM video channel

It is nice idea to compile a book, but quite a commitment.

UPDATE 1500z: I didn't realise quite how many projects I had done (at least 25). Maybe I should do a book.  Maybe this should be my winter project?  😉

More Cambridge Market - NOT amateur radio

This was another view of Cambridge Market yesterday.

15m FT8 RX (Saturday)

Since about 0908z, I have been on 15m FT8 RX with the Wellgood active loop. It is now 0949z and, so far, 130 stations have been spotted with the furthermost E25ETT (9673km) in Thailand.

UPDATE 1327z:  521 stations spotted with the furthermost ZL4AS (18995km) on 15m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1730z:   612 stations spotted today. QSY soon.

Sub 9kHz amateur radio

In 2010 I managed to see DK7FC on 8.970kHz using my earth-electrode antenna in the ground. Notice this took hours! Just a faint line. After this, several signals across Europe were copied. Note that each marker is 0.1Hz!! Very narrow bandwidths, very good stability and long integration times are essential.

South Devon in winter

Many see holiday locations at good times of the year. This was some years ago in winter. 

Sunspots - Saturday December 4th 2021

 Solar flux is 85 and the SSN 29. A=8 and K=3.

3 Dec 2021

160m FT8 RX (Friday)

It is now 1958z and I recently QSYed to 160m FT8 RX using the indoor Wellgood active loop antenna. So far,  45 stations spotted. with the furthermost RA3GDV (2654km).

10m FT8 RX (Friday)

 At 0923z, my gear was turned on. At 0930z 16 stations spotted so far.

UPDATE 1750z: 162 stations spotted today.

OFCOM and protecting radio astronomy

OFCOM is consulting about how best to protect radio astronomy just below 26GHz. See the OFCOM website for details.

Best ever QSO?

My best ever QSO was probably in 2007 when I had a 1W CW QSO on 6m (50MHz) with a station in the USA by E layer propagation. It was a very good 6m opening. My antenna was just the V2000 vertical omni. The other station was well equipped, but we had a solid QSO and I have the QSL card to prove it.