9 Sept 2021

Sunspots - Thursday September 9th 2021

 Solar flux is 100 and the SSN 87.  A=14 and K=1.

8 Sept 2021

472kHz WSPR RX

This evening I am on the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. It is now 0755z and I have been on for about 15 minutes, but nothing yet spotted.

UPDATE 21020z: So far, just DC0DX (467km) spotted several times At the moment he was the same strength (roughly) as on the active loop. Does this mean they are similar in gain?

Choir closing - NOT amateur radio

After 60 years, my wife's choir has closed. Last night they had a fairwell evening that had been postponed. It brought together choirs from various village colleges to sing a major choral work in a famous venue with world class soloists. It will leave a gap. 

137kHz transverter

One of my Facebook memories today was this photo of my transverter for 137kHz. It was 10 years ago and was copied in Holland. 

10m FT8 (Wednesday)

As usual, I am on 10m FT8. After a brief period on TX with spots only from G0FWX (160km) I am RX only. At 1045z 19 stations spotted. 

UPDATE 1703z:  33 stations spotted with the furthermost FR4NT (9726km) on Reunion Is..

Network radios

One of my Facebook memories today was about network radios. These look like VHF handhelds or mobiles with PTT and antennas. 

They use the Internet as a backbone and are basically Android phones. These are available from several dealers. I suspect dealers see the future with fewer radios sold, many of us getting older and frailer, more of us in care homes and unable to access conventional radio. 

They are ideal for Echolink and similar. I have one, but find it oddly unsatisfying. In 20 years? 

See MLS for typical examples.

Sunspots - Wednesday September 8th 2021

Solar flux is 101 and the SSN 85. A=8 and K=4.

7 Sept 2021

Visit - NOT amateur radio

We had a visit for lunch from my wife's cousin and his wife. We had to take a photo with the windmill in the background! She had not seen them for several years. 

They are doing a tour around the country visiting friends and and family.

10m WISPY TX WSPR beacon TX

Many years ago I designed and made this TX beacon for 10m WSPR. You might like to try it as a winter project. 

If you want more power, just add more 2N3904s in the PA. This is far cheaper than a dedicated PA device. Even with QRPP you can expect plenty of spots when 10m is good. It is getting better again now the sunspots and solar flux are climbing.

The photo shows the first breadboard. 

It is a DSB design using low cost 14.060MHz crystals. I was surprised by the vast amount of 10m WSPR this summer.

As I recall, I used matched germanium diodes in the balanced mixer, but I am sure Schottky diodes would be fine. Do not be afraid to experiment! As with all my circuits, use these designs as a starting point. If you can make them better, great.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/homebrew/10m-wispy for more details and a clearer schematic.

Windmill - NOT amateur radio

Many time before, I have mentioned that we live next door to a windmill (see photo). Since this photo was taken all the sails and slats have been repainted and replaced and the whole mill re-tarred. 

Sadly, starlings stop on the sails before flying off to their roost. They do make a mess! 😒